Tag Archives: Wily Bo Walker: Wily Bo Walker Presents Tales Of The Mescal Canyon Troubadours. Album Review

Wily Bo Walker: Wily Bo Walker Presents Tales Of The Mescal Canyon Troubadours. Album Review.

If a tale is told well, it does not matter where it comes from, or what inspired it to be voiced, to be communicated from, whether from the lips of a drunken passer-by who intrigues you with softly spoken ramblings of treasure under the mysteriously drawn X on the side of a cave, or from the melodic tones of a declaration of intent which is passed down from father to son, from mother to daughter, in the hope that one day a wrong will be righted. An investigation will prove the tale to be so much more than just hearsay and rumour, what matters is the presentation, the subtly, the craftsmanship, and how the account and the encounter leaves you afterwards.