Tag Archives: Vargas Blues Band

Vargas Blues Band, King Of Latin Blues. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

There are always contenders for the positions of Kings, Queens and Princess, there is no shortage of willing candidates and challengers in whom the public will doff their hats and open their hearts to, to defend their competitor and court favourite in their battle to be seen as the leader of the regal pack, the liege to whom the standard is raised.

Vargas Blues Band, From The Dark. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Arguably the most seductive of sounds, aside from an engrossing violin being played under a dimly lit street lamp as it serenades a lover from the tender arms of Morpheus, is that of the guitar. The finally polished wood in tune with a good set of fingers and a lung busting pocket of air can sweep a person off their feet and lead them down a road to expectant, gratified glee. In the hands of a master it’s like being kissed by an angel who has just found out that life is meant to be lived and not just waiting on a command, in the hands of Javier Vargas and the Vargas Blues Band it s like finding out that angel has been living next door for years and has had a crush on you forever.