Tag Archives: UFO. Film Review

UFO. Film Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Alex Sharp, Gillian Anderson, Ella Purnell, Benjamin Beatty, Cece Abbey, Davis Strathairn, Ken Early, Brian Bowman, Rick Chambers, Lu Parker, Khrys Styles, Ted J. Weil, A.J. Ransom, Katie Eichler, Sara Welch, David Heckel, Chauncey Ragland, Bradley Thomas.

We either fear the possibility of life on another planet and the concerns that might raise should they find a way to visit us, or we feel the pull of trepidation that exists because we suspect that we are alone in the universe; no matter which one that pulls your own strings more, it cannot be dismissed that there are an abundance of possible sightings of U.F.O.s, scorned and rejected by Government and official sources, and yet caught in camera by millions.