Tag Archives: The Pawn Shop Saints: Weeds. Album Review

The Pawn Shop Saints: Weeds. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

We have been conditioned to believe that allowing weeds to grow is the product of an unproductive mind, that they destroy the love and attention bestowed on the colourful and popular plants; and by nature’s fancy, are to be chopped down with a vengeance that is akin to a biblical gesture of deliverance.

Weeds plays more than a part in the world, weeds are the first things we notice when the world insists it is too perfect for anything other than flawless; that the wild and uncontrollable, that the eager and hardy, those that withstand storms with greater ferocity deep in their stems must give way to fragile and dull, and often overhyped, flowers in the pristine soil.