Tag Archives: The Little Unsaid

The Little Unsaid, December Songs. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Those tunes we hear at the start of June make our summers memorable, those melodies and refrains we feel dig beneath the surface of post new year’s ice and snow are the backdrop to the time ahead, but the final month of the year, those songs we hear that saturate the airwaves with their association of overspending, the failure of a system propped up by casual bonhomie as we dive in and out of shops armed to the teeth with regret and credit cards, those are the jingles that signal the end, that dictate how we view the year as a whole.

The Little Unsaid, Music/Nature. E.P Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

How much of life is ruled by nature and nurture, an age-old question to which there seems to be no defining answer, at least not one that ever satisfies those who seek to interrogate life with. However, whether it is nature or nurture that makes you act a certain way, sees you place your being in a direction that others might seem inappropriate or even not accepting their own view, what is surely not up for debate is the role that music plays in the foundation of your soul.