Tag Archives: The Fog Ensemble

The Fog Ensemble, Throbs. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Ask not what heart beats in the dark, what noise the pulse makes in the night when alone, for a sense of the terror it is better to understand the fear of hearing thumps of trepidation in the sunlight, what Throbs in day!

The combustion of insurrection, the pose of the personal inferno burning in the soul, these may set the world on fire during the hours in which a person’s dreams should be fuelled with love, but it is in daylight when the realm of dissatisfaction, when the angry thoughts of horror first take root, and those Throbs, those whispers of panic and dread are tougher to ignore, they are incessant and beguiling, they are the sound of peace being driven to the tune of the awakening, delightful, outcome.