Tag Archives: The Damn Truth. Album Review

The Damn Truth. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

One man might pronounce with rhetoric that he hungers to have what Canada can offer, but there is one thing guaranteed that he will never be able to lay his hands on, and that is The Damn Truth.

One of Canada’s most electrifying bands, The Damn Truth, once more come full throttle to the listener’s attention with their new self-titled studio album, and it is a release that fans of the Montreal band will no doubt salivate over as the immensity of the sound pounds at the ears and the soul like a hammer against the bells of St. Jospeh’s Oratory, the iconic domed building adding a vibrancy in the imagination to the effect the band have had on the rock genre since they blazed on to the scene with Dear In The Headlights.