Tag Archives: Stick In The Wheel

Stick In The Wheel, Gig Review. Philharmonic Hall Music Rooms, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Stick In The Wheel at the Music Rooms of the Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool. Photograph by Ian D. Hall.

Pursue the secrets of the inscription long enough and you will find hope, salvation of spirit, or if you are fortunate and the gods of the quest are with you, another adventure in which to delve straight into, to place your trust into the symbols, gestures and lyrical sense of groove in which the hardiest of explorers light and a candle, pull back the veil and shout from the heavens that it is a marvel to behold and that you should Follow Them True.

Stick In The Wheel, Follow Them True. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

The world depends on anarchy to be able to dream of what it would be like to stir the pot of revolution; it might only be the casual caress with the notion of finding the pleasure that is due us all as we play with the fire of change, however it is a change that is more than welcome, more than comfortable in our psyche if it sees rebellion against the cause of insufferable sameness; for nobody truly wants to see the world become a turgid mess of monotony, nobody should see art become dull and uniform.