Tag Archives: Steve Miller

Shetland. Series 9. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 7/10

Cast: Alison O’ Donnell, Ashley Jensen, Steve Robertson, Lewis Howden, Anne Kidd, Angus Miller, Steve Miller, Ian Hart, Tibu Fortes, Stuart Campbell, Sarah MacGillivray, Jacob Ferguson, Robert Jack, Vincent Regan, Ross Anderson, Macleod Stephen, Tara Lee, Johannes Lassen, Nathalie Merchant, Ines Høysæter Asserson, Leroy Boone.

Various Artists, The Art Of McCartney. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

There is no doubting that Sir Paul McCartney is one of Liverpool’s and indeed the U.K.’s favourite sons. The songs he co-wrote with John Lennon has rightly passed down generation after generation of music lovers to the point where surely at any point in time around the world a song he wrote, whether with the Beatles or his lengthy solo career, a song he lovingly crafted and put together, is being played on a radio station, in a Juke Box or on a record or C.D. player with reverence.