Tag Archives: Seamus O’Hara

Blue Lights: Series Two Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Nathan Braniff, Sian Brooke, Katherine Delvin, Martin McCann, Frankie McCafferty, Andi Osho, Hannah McClean, Joanne Crawford, Jonathan Harden, Andrea Irvine, Desmond Eastwood, Abigail McGibbon, Dearbháille McKinney, Seamus O’Hara, Craig McGinlay, Alfie Lawless, Matthew Forsythe, Chris Corrigan, Derek Thompson, Alfie Lawless, Paddy Jenkins.

We consider ourselves at the very least to be policed by consent, it is almost a statement of agreed terms and boundaries, which sometimes overlaps, sometimes moved by one faction, either in rebellion or by government insistence, but one to which for the most part the sight of Blue Lights flashing can be a comfort when we have been wronged, when another decides to not only blur the lines between criminal acts but to actively destroy your safety by setting fire to every law known.