Tag Archives: Sapphire And Steel: Wall Of Darkness. Audio Drama Review

Sapphire And Steel: Wall Of Darkness. Audio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: David Warner, Susannah Harker, Louise Jameson, Ian Hallard, Robert Maloney, Timothy Watson, Joannah Tincey.

It is with good reason that as a species are both repelled and somehow fascinated by the threat of nuclear war; there is after all no middle ground when it comes to the shadow that has loomed large over us since the reports and pictures came from Japan of the first explosions over Nagasaki and Hiroshima. We are caught in the fire of expectant and imminent death, so much so that until the threat is finally dismantled and the last remains of the sickness that guides the ultimate force of humanity’s desire for destruction is a long distant memory, we shall forever be enthralled by what damage it can cause to our planet.