Tag Archives: Sam Stafford

V: Visitation. Big Finish. Audio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Annabel Baldwin, Janie Dee, Jack Myers, Geoffrey Aymer, Nicholas Briggs, Hannah Brown, Jesse Dunbar, John H Elson, Louise Falkner, Raj Ghatak, Helen Goldwyn, Kate O’ Rourke, Gesella Ohaka, Logan Ritchie, Arabella Smith-James, Andrew James-Spooner, Holly Spooner, Sam Stafford.

The allegories and symbols that were explicitly portrayed on the hit American television series V were so plain to the naked eye that the viewer never once had to question that the sci-fi classic was truly about the representation of war, collusion, consent by power, and the requirement of all citizens to take a stand against the evils of fascism.

Doctor Who: Redacted. Audio Drama Series Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Charlie Craggs, Lois Chimimba, Holly Quin-Ankrah, Anjli Mohindra, Maggie Service, Teri Ann Bobby-Baxter, Sam Stafford, Freddy Carter, Wilf Scolding, Dervla Kirwan, Denica Fairman, Alexandra Armstrong, Irvine Iqbal.

Inclusivity has arguably never had so much attention cast upon it, the weary eye of the put upon silent majority misunderstanding the point of the word, of the detail, and grasping at it as of it’s a barbed weapon they are forbidden to touch, to have no empathy to the souls who only ask for respect for being alive; of being able to live their lives without fear.