Tag Archives: Runrig

Runrig, The Last Dance-Farewell Concert. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

In politics they say that history is written by the winners, however, in art, winners know when it is time to say goodbye to the form to which they have dedicated a substantial part of their lives to and unarguably been the leading stars of their chosen field; winners can be replaced, artists become eternal triumphs!

Runrig, The Story. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

As George Harrison once mused, “All things must pass”; however if The Story must come to a dramatic end then it has be with sincerity, beauty and absolute pomp and as one of Scotland’s finest have made clear with their latest and final studio album, pomp and ceremony are only half the tale, the rest is made up with an absolute mind blowing epitaph of musical brilliance.