Tag Archives: Robert Jack

Shetland. Series 9. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 7/10

Cast: Alison O’ Donnell, Ashley Jensen, Steve Robertson, Lewis Howden, Anne Kidd, Angus Miller, Steve Miller, Ian Hart, Tibu Fortes, Stuart Campbell, Sarah MacGillivray, Jacob Ferguson, Robert Jack, Vincent Regan, Ross Anderson, Macleod Stephen, Tara Lee, Johannes Lassen, Nathalie Merchant, Ines Høysæter Asserson, Leroy Boone.

Limelight: An Eye For A Killing. Radio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Jack Lowden, Gavin Mitchell, James Boal, Robert Jack, Helen McKay, Nicola Roy, Maureen Carr, Kyle Gardiner, Ron Donachie, Stuart McQuarrie, Simon Donaldson, Andy Clark, Jimmy Chisholm, James Rottger, Lucianne McEvoy, Paul Young.

Even after two centuries, the names Burke and Hare are enough to spark dialogue and conversation in the darkest corners of any Edinburgh public house; it is in the collective DNA of the city, the fear that persists as the cold rain hits the streets of the narrow old town that human life is considered so cheap that murder for profit is an acceptable thought within the criminal fraternity, and those to whom we entrust our end of life care to, almost always those of a professional class.

Hancock’s Half Hour, The Lost Sitcoms. The New Neighbour, Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Kevin McNally, Katy Wix, Kevin Eldon, Robin Sebastian, John Culshaw, Robert Jack.

The beauty, pathos and reflection of Ray Galton and Alan Simpson’s writing can be seen fully in two of Britain’s greatest ever sitcoms, Hancock’s Half Hour and Steptoe and Son, both written with consideration and absolute wit, performed by comedic geniuses and with the knowledge that even after 60 years in the case of Hancock’s Half Hour, the words and situations are timeless, that no matter how much we move on in society, we still are products of the post Second World War generation.