Tag Archives: Richard Earl

The War Master: The Master Of Callous. Series Two. Audio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Derek Jacobi, Silas Carson, Pippa Haywood, Maeve Bluebell Wells, Samantha Beart, Angela Bruce, Richard Earl, Barnaby Edwards, Tom Forrister, Simon Ludders, David Menkin, Kai Owen, Wilf Scolding, Joe Shire.

It is a falsehood of our times that we are force-fed, almost as doctrine, as a mantra of deceitful moment of hope, that good people win in the end, that the lies of the social anarchist who pulls down walls whilst standing on the side-lines, acting in their own self-interest whilst orchestrating the ritual desecration of the soul of the good, will eventually be punished, subjected to an eternity of suffering for the wrongs that have been committed, is nothing more than a substantial, and cunning, lie.

Doctor Who: The Lost Stories, Paradise 5. Audio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, Alex Macqueen, James D’Arcy, Helen Goldwyn, Andree Bernard, Teddy Kempner, Claire Wyatt, Richard Earl.

You can always trust humanity to turn to the more unsavoury pursuits of existence, murder, slavery, greed, power, materialism and brutality, in the time it takes to say there is money to be made from people’s misery and where is the will; for in the vice of stone hearted souls nothing comes close to feeding damnation than the love of money.

Doctor Who: The Crooked Man. Audio Drama Review, 3.3. Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, Sarah Smart, Robin Pearce, Richard Earl, Neil Stuke, Lizzie Roper.

Whoever said reading was good for you had never came across the fear that radiates the characters in novels that never get read, the terror that appears when The Crooked Man comes a calling.

Sherlock Holmes: Holmes And The Ripper. Audio Drama, Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Nicholas Briggs, Richard Earl, India Fisher, Sheryl Gannaway, Lex Shrapnel, Samuel Clemens, Matt Addis, Ian Brooker, Beth Chalmers, David Peart, John Banks,

The now familiar sound of a mournful violin playing draws in the listener to the story Holmes and The Ripper, what keeps them there is the unvarnished excellence that audio drama company Big Finish and writer Brian Clemens bring to one of the darkest periods of East End London and how they imagine Sherlock Holmes, portrayed by one of the main men at Big Finish in Nicholas Briggs, would have been coaxed into solving the murder.