Tag Archives: Republica

Republica, Gig Review. o2 Academy, Liverpool. October 2014.


Saffron of Republica at the 02 Academy in Liverpool. October 2014. Photograph by Ian D. Hall.

Saffron of Republica at the 02 Academy in Liverpool. October 2014. Photograph by Ian D. Hall.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

As an outside band to Liverpool, to perform in the city once a year is to be considered fortunate, to come twice, to blast the cobwebs that build up into nothing more than finely layered dust and its occupiers scuttling into the small cracks and fissures, should be arguably considered as a sign of mutual appreciation.

Republica, Gig Review. 02 Academy, Liverpool.

Saffron at the 02 Academy, Liverpool. Photograph by Ian D. Hall

Saffron at the 02 Academy, Liverpool. Photograph by Ian D. Hall

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Just one look from the stage down at the heaving throng of fans said it all. The perhaps half missed wink from Saffron in the general direction of fans who clambered alongside Republica for the incredible ride suggested further hair raising times ahead and yet the manner of the performance was one of electric reminisance and a love rekindled for many in the o2 Academy in Liverpool. The wink, the strut, the pulse of a heartbeat growing stronger by the second proposed the adulation of a band that were cruelly cut off in their prime but who now in the form of the stunning Saffron, Tim Dorney and Jonny Glue, were back and sounding as terrific as they did in 1995.