Tag Archives: Raj Ghatak

V: Visitation. Big Finish. Audio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Annabel Baldwin, Janie Dee, Jack Myers, Geoffrey Aymer, Nicholas Briggs, Hannah Brown, Jesse Dunbar, John H Elson, Louise Falkner, Raj Ghatak, Helen Goldwyn, Kate O’ Rourke, Gesella Ohaka, Logan Ritchie, Arabella Smith-James, Andrew James-Spooner, Holly Spooner, Sam Stafford.

The allegories and symbols that were explicitly portrayed on the hit American television series V were so plain to the naked eye that the viewer never once had to question that the sci-fi classic was truly about the representation of war, collusion, consent by power, and the requirement of all citizens to take a stand against the evils of fascism.

Doctor Who: Stranded – 1. Big Finish Audio Drama Boxset Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Paul McGann, Nicola Walker, Hattie Morahan, Rebecca Root, Tom Price, Tom Baker, Aurora Burghart, Jeremy Clyde, Alan Cox, Joel James Davison, Raj Ghatak, Robert Portal, David Shaw-Parker, Clive Wood, Amina Zia.

You may love somewhere and proudly call it a home from home, a favourite place to be, an affinity with the locals, a connection with its history; but if you find that you have become Stranded, marooned upon its beaches because your mode of transport has given up the ghost and no sign of rescue is forthcoming; then your paradise, that one place you like to visit and catch up with its inhabitants can suddenly turn into a world of dull routine, your visit now a land of disagreeable anecdotes as you understand the point of view by those always trapped in the grey where once you saw colour.

Doctor Who: Time War -Volume Three. Big Finish Audio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Paul McGann, Rakhee Thakrar, Michael Jayston, Nicholas Briggs, Adèle Anderson, Wendy Craig, Andrew Fettes, Raj Ghatak, Natalie Gumede, Anjli Mohindra, Jamie Newall, Jude Owusu, John Scougall, Venice Van Someren, Nina Wadia, Tracey Wiles.

If ever there was an arc of stories that deserved to be told for television within the Doctor Who universe, then The Time War would surely be the set that the fandom would overwhelmingly clamour, would petition in their droves to have given precedence over all others.

The Kite Runner, Theatre Review. Playhouse Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8/10

Cast: Ravi Aujla, Jo Ben Ayed, Amiera Darwish, Raj Ghatak, Oliver Gyani, Rez Kabir, Hanif Khan, Soroosh Lavasini, Umar Pasha, Gary Pillai, Jay Sajjid, Karl Seth, Danielle Woodnutt.

This is the third time that Matthew Spangler’s adaptation of The Kite Runner has appeared on this stage. A co-production between Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse and Nottingham Playhouse, it has enjoyed tremendous success in London’s West End since its premiere here in 2013 and is now on its second U.K. tour.

The 7:39, Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 7/10

Cast: David Morrissey, Sheridan Smith, Olivia Coleman, Sean McGuire, Izzy Meikle-Small, Bill Milner, Justin Salinger, Lashana Lynch, Mohammed Ali, Ancuta Breaban, Raj Ghatak, John Hiorns.

We have all looked at the person on the other side of train aisle at one time or another and caught a furtive glance coming our way, thoughts of introducing yourself brushed aside by responsibility and those waiting at home.