Tag Archives: poetry from Bootle.

Earthquake In The Heart Of It All.

I felt the Earthquake

from underneath my feet, several

miles deep, hundreds of miles

wide in length and breadth,

I felt the Earthquake, the seismic shock

of a world reduced to falling down,

falling, brick by brick

and the laughter of madmen

in glass houses making sure

their sticking tape, black sided gaffer

tape, held their homes together.

The appearance of Herod in my desert,

the decree of now move on, leave

my world for you all are now unworthy

to live in my palace of tin, emanates

Place The Cross.

Where do I place the cross,

the age old question of democracy

to which a flipped coin,

smooth and pointless upon either

side, will invariably come down

after spinning in the air

like a cold mechanical Catherine

Wheel, defiance in the face of all the odds

down on its side, the universe

goading you

into believing there is a third way.


Place the x, remember the feeling

when you believed in heart and soul

that it meant to change

your life

but then the feeling withered

You Came Home To Die.

You came home to die

and it was a decision that I

applauded, that I understood

and I told you so and you smiled

whilst deep into the coma,

the final rage of sleep,

the dawn yet unseen,

you smiled and a hundred miles away

the Earth stood motionless.


A quick release, less than a year

but oh my friend, the days since then

have stuttered on, have been less kind

because my picture of you

has been eroded by time, my faltering

To Live And Die.

To live and die by numbers,

to be at the mercy of numerical opinion

and the percentage point,

to infer that all is lost upon the raising brow

of the integer and downcast digit,

is surely only adding up

to the fact that we have lost control

of humanity, our human intelligence eroded

by quantity rather than time;

to live and die by the second, to pack things in

to the day rather than be ruled by one to ten,

to live in the moment for as long as possible, stretching it out



or mixed heritage

invader blood in my heart

conquered and crushed,

victor and heroic warlords

on the battlefield,

the result of taken or ceded

I am a mongrel,

I have no true country

only safe land from water,

only safe land from war,

the grandchild of an immigrant

the grandchild of Cornwall,

potent mix dating back centuries

and now you want me to hate

you want me to condemn

that even my own blood borne out of pillage

and deceit and war and conquered lands,

Today I Am Uncomfortable.

Today I am uncomfortable

in my own knotted skin,

I don’t know how to react

to the stimuli of life, the poison

I drink in, that I want

to swallow by the lungful, the sea

that I wish to drown in as I sweat,

at the prospect of another day

excusing ghosts of their past,

whilst still condemning myself

to death everyday.


Ian D. Hall 2016

True London.

Life, love and understanding

in the inviting alleyways that stem

out of every pore of real London,

teeming London, rank

and file, true blessed, authentic

and crowded

and congested

and swarming heartbeat London,

where Underground darkness

bathes in existence and light…

I love your streets and the historic new,

the passion in the frank,

beer crashing, dimpled glasses, London Pride,

that swallows in the smoke

and the grated conversation

over dying trades; reminding

me of New York but poorer but no less sincere.


My Guardian Angel.

My guardian angel

never wanted the job

in the first place, she not only sighed

and whinged, placed her hoof down

with a firm angelic paw

but she gave God the finger when she

said with strictness in her voice

Someone has to do

and I am afraid

it is down to you.”


The saintly finger risen from its paw

has followed me everywhere

and the guardian has often tied my shoes

together, pushed me down the stairs

and then made sure I landed

Imaginary Friend.

It has to be said for there is no way

to hide it,

you make me feel invisible, imaginary,

that when you close your eyes at night

or look away at the rain in a far off county,

to you I have become the person you once

dreamed of, slowly dissipating into thin

noxious air, gassed and slumped over

for your amusement and only then do

you poke me in the eye via a spiky bark-less

tree limb, poke me in the guts and praise

the gods that I am still; invisible

Candle And Wick.

The flame will only ever become a trail

of brief whispered smoke

if you extinguish it yourself, when others

try to put the wick out, all that happens

is after they have gone and busted your balls

for not using the electric light at your command

that the match, red faced but saluting

the moment in readiness as it turns to sulphur,

strikes back against the grain,

and lights the candle once more,

sparks life, albeit closeted and in a world of

writhing shadows upon the green backed walls,