Tag Archives: poetry from Bootle.


I have no Welsh blood

in me whatsoever,

so I will not cling to a team out of genetics

to make myself smile at their success;

even though I would love it dearly if they

against the odds

lifted a trophy that England

may have thought was theirs by some

divine football right.


I did once date a wonderful girl

from Hunstanton who now

resides in Wales with a very loving wife,

I can

on a very clear day see beyond the shores

The Snail Upon My Bathroom Window.

The snail upon my bathroom window,

I have no idea how you got there,

for did you fall from grace

or seagull’s beak, for surely

you never struggled, slimed your way

up the wall, fashioned by intrigue,

plotted and manoeuvred past your ability

to reach such dizzy heights;

you surely must have had help

to see beyond your narrow scope.


I understand if a seagull

or some other winged bird

spat you out because you tasted

off colour, blue, too raw, undercooked

The Hardest Job In England…

Prime Ministers come and go,

just as England football managers

arrive and depart,

in failure,

in ignominy,

own goals, let down badly

by the team or driven man

with the lust for power

and glory.

The conveyor belt, unceasingly

brings along the next unsuitable candidate,

the fresh hope, wit and the beaming smile;

things will change,

I am sure,

under them.


The roar of the Wembley crowd,

replaced by time and poor results

for the hatred bestowed

upon black door number ten,

The Lie Of Question Time.

The air of


or was it desperation

that hung on her lips

when she


the illusion, the lie

from the clouds whistling Dixie

above her head,

when she told the audience

there had been riots in Liverpool

in the last week

only served notice

that some people in all their fantasy

worlds should never be allowed

on or in close proximity to



Ian D. Hall 2016


The Passing Of A Gentle Brazilian Lion.

A last breathe that was not heard

on the other side of the world,

the Brazilian lion roared

in jungles,

carefree and to the full,

but I never heard the final bellow

of the beast, the growl of goodness

that would have rumbled underneath,

for on the other side of the world,

past oceans deep and proud

as your soul, as monumental

as your spirit which lifted

and touched through thick waves

and understanding…

I grow silent, I hear the news of the Lion’s

Pain And Pleasure.

Is the pain worth the smile

that I find is on my tainted

and exhausted lips at two

in the morning, numb

having spoken for an hour,

throat dry despite the sips of water

I had taken through the evening;

my biggest and longest performance

at the tender age of forty-five

and one that made me stop

for a brief moment

when I consider that for thirty years

I was a coward, that I would not

and could not put myself up

to put myself forward;

What Would I Take With Me?

What would I take with me

if you breathed your last tomorrow,

aside from memories, dashed and broken

now upon the storm, driven by despair,

what on Earth would I take

with me

as I searched in vain for you?


A wide open world with a single aim

to witness in the flesh

all that I could in the year

and a day I would allow myself

to exist in mourning, whilst blisters

tore at my back and festering wounds

bubbled and scorched at the edge

He Drove Through The Pouring Rain.

Walking through puddles, rain

soaked ends of trouser legs

that had swum gingerly

across the River Rae bridge,

the once gentle stream of summer’s past,

exhausted, dried out and the deposit

from long since removed factories

whose smoke deposits covered

the roof of our school

in a choking fit that came out in sympathy

with the janitor, puffing away after thirty fags,

this once gentle stream that I played Pooh

sticks in and examined the wild

life of insects copulating, woodlouse

turned over and then feeling guilty,

The Fall Of The House Of Fools.

The fall of the house of fools,

all dead now, crushed under

the weight of expectancy

and dramatic insecurity,

was to be expected, for how is it possible

to keep a house above water

when you keep diverting the flow

and course; at some point

the foundations are always going

to cave in for the sand they are built upon,

will shift with the opinion

of those who rent the house.


Ian D. Hall 2016

Was It Always Like This?

Was it always like this?

Was it always such that we would

descend into a world of unethical treatment

of others just because we disagreed with them,

with their choices,

at the ballot box, that we would somehow lose

perspective, our senses in fair play

and be reduced to snarling, gutter tipped

wrench that makes our national

newspapers the epitome of self delusion

and intelligence harm;

was it always such, was it always the way,

that we could just be vile and get satisfaction from