Tag Archives: poetry from Bootle.


You could never replace the crackle

that came armed with a moment

of silence in the dead of night

or the giant Everyready PP9 battery

that would weigh your father’s pocket

down on one side and made him

appear as if he was stooping over

at the tender age of thirty-five

and which would feel like you

were cradling gold up the stairs

to put in the radio,

your companion at night

when darkness fell

but sleep was but a tiresome illusion.


Track By Track.

If only I had kept all my tickets

from every train journey I had ever taken,

I have no doubt they would stretch

from here

to there

and back once more

and would only be exceeded

by the amount of music

I have filled my brain

with, track by track, song by song,

over countless miles

to Plymouth and my great grandfather’s

home by the cliffs in Saltash,

to Newcastle to watch a gig or ten

the hour it took to get to Birmingham

Guilt And Blood.

If it is an admission you want,

the words of guilt, the declaration

of remorse and complex

self reproach, then you,

my friend,

haven’t been listening to a word I have said.

Then again why would you,

why would you even lip read,

or give me lip service,

my apology, if that is what you require,

is not for you, it is too my soul

for having allowed myself

to fall into your clutches in the first place,

to sit and be mentally abused

and raped by simpering

The Black Ill Favoured Fly.

The black ill favoured fly

is a perpetual nuisance

as it buzzes, dive bombs

and irritates me to the point

of wishing to cause harm

to the beast that spits

and tastes the sweat in the air

as I fumble for words in the semi

darkness, the gloom of soul

and thought. I pick up my

silver edged letter opener,

purchased from a Saturday market

in Greenwich and I wish I could find

the speed in which to take this

ill favoured black fly out

Late Afternoon Text Message.

What was your message,

delivered by electronic device,

meant to achieve last night?

I know what it did to me

inside, to hear from you for the first

time in fifteen months,

and not like a friend who had been busy

with their lives, it happens, Time

gets away from us all,

nor did it place a sense of longing

to see you, to understand your loss

and own tragic demise;

all you did was piss me off, upset me,

cause pain in a heart that

The Sign Of Church Times.

It is the sign of the times

when the church on St. Andrews Road

displays not an encouraging word

on a billboard half hidden

by an instrument of Cosmic law,

the half blinding Sun and bedded down roots

of trees, seeking salvation in the quiet Earth,

but a for sale sign, proclaiming the new words

of profits…when a Church closes down,

even for heathens and dissenting voices

such as my own,

I feel the pain for the lost and lonely,

for now where do they go to sit

In Her Room With Pink Floyd, Alone.

Her room, no stranger

to having the feeling

of outcast painted shadows

tip toe gently past thoughts

of music gods and erotic held

dreams of ghouls and demons,

is suddenly lifted by the sadness

that has crept over the room

as she sits silently on the end

of the half made double bed

and whispers good night to no one

as she listens to Pink Floyd

for the first time

and cries with wonder at

the message given to her.


Ian D. Hall 2016

I Am An Odd Sock.

I am an odd sock

with a partner in the wash, clean

and crisp when tumbled,

whilst I remain

unseen, possibly discarded

at the bottom of the laundry basket,

never quite being the one

to feel the detergent wash through

every fibre and rub shoulders

with the gods of tie-dye illusion.


I am an odd sock,

and where my partner smells so sweet

in the drawers I just remain dirty, tossed

hopefully into the bin

but always gathering dust

behind the fridge where I fall,

A Day To Live In Political Whitewash.

Political whitewash,

the washing of hands of the death

of nation, soldier

and the slaughter of innocents

and a Prime Minister in robes

and suits, with back handed

smile to the nation at all times,

no truth in this weasel words, uttered

with the prospect of the Hangman’s noose

now gone; the truth destroyed, the one

chance to put a man out to face

the barrel

of public opinion,

now just an illusion lost in dossier.

The nation, the soldier

and the million upon million

Resignation Is Leadership.

To resign and shuffle off to the peace of the farm,

leaving the sheep in charge of spraying

on the graffiti declaring pig propaganda,

is now seen as the new leadership,

the firm control and guidance required

in 21st Century

short attention span


I resign in that case, I throw my towel in

to the wolves, baying for blood, baying

for the next willing victim, baying

for the sake of hearing their own howl

and piss in the wind…patience

is dead, it departed when playing games