Tag Archives: poetry from Bootle.

Dying Hide.

I am not clever enough

to understand your words

at times. The majority

I comprehend, I empathise with

and nod in appreciation, if not

in agreement of your dilemma,

the narrow view in which you have painted

yourself in, the corner of the room

in which paint has not met floor

or ceiling covered over with wallpaper,

is like your mind,

a career in trying to look good

but not achieving a half way decent result;

stuck between self interest

and poorly managed heartbeats,


If you only whisper one word today,

let it breathe in the wind,

let it ferment in the mind

of fools and the dangerously absurd,

let it be heard and rejoiced

in silent thoughtful prayer

and let it be remembered

as it echoes across time,

across our lives,

let that word be the last thing

on our minds

from the moment we whisper

it with childlike hope in the

glare of a new born sun

and the roar of a daughter’s gift,

let the bells ring with joy

The Special One To Kiss.

She was so special,

no woman on Earth has ever compared

to the serenity in autumn, winter

or in the spring, as ice flows fall,

smash into the water beneath

and sail, bobbing, stealthy jogging onwards,

partially melting as I hope

they were able to and in the end

finding open sea water to repeat the thousand year cycle,

of wear and tear and heartbreaking beauty

that flutters by in the whisper

of conversation by the floral clock

and finger licked clean Wendy Burger

when you have not looked at anything

R.I.P. V.H.S.

Rest in Peace,

dear old V.H.S video recorder,

your life was one given

in service of those to whom

staying in was an anathema

and the pause button,

for whatever their reason,

be it grainy, dirty or just

frequently needing the loo

during a good film

or quickly taped soap opera

as the promise

of a night out at the pub with no

strings attached became a modern



Farewell and thank you

for being able to tape Doctor Who

How Could You Not Love Danny La Rue.

How could you not love Danny La Rue,

the last man in a dress

to outshine the also rans, in high heels,

stockings and large expensive wigs,

taught several how to relish in the glamour

of their existence and others how to embrace

that not everything in life is black, white

and as bright and vibrant as a child’s colouring book

when they learn to draw outside of the margins;

how could you not love Danny La Rue.


How could you not love Dorothy Gale,

A Short Story Of Evolution.

I was never more astounded

in my young and carefree life

than on the day I witnessed

evolution in flight,

as the black mass

took to the Selly Park air

and shrouded the sun as one,

shimmering, splitting the heavens,

blowing my mind as I peered

into the cracks of the corporation

pavement of Manilla Road,

an ice cream slowly dripping

and making sticky fingers,

evolution in flight,

evolution with black angel wings,

as ants crawled, stuttered, their heartbeats

increased by sunshine and the call

We Are The Children Of Darth Vader.

We are the humourless children of Darth Vader,

stuck in a pattern

of self loathing and flowing envy,

the darkness seeping out

from the sore

we keep hidden, under layers

of guilt and delusion and the odd

pair of cartoon socks, one size

fits all and opinions we hope are the same;

we are the grave and grim,

the forbidding and the forbidden,

we are the humourless offspring

of Darth Vader.


We are the children of a deaf Batman

and the surprising talent of The Joker,

Ever Thankful For Strong Women.

As a nervous teenage boy

I submitted the flesh

on my neck for you to place

your tongue against the pulse

of lingering, anxious excitement

and you my dear would kiss me gently

through dreams passing by

the agony of lazy summer days

of dying school memories.

Now when I think back, jumping in time

to the delicious feeling of being wanted,

being practised upon by calm

and relaxed women of the same

age and desires,

I thank my own personal deity

that I was brought up by

The World Is On Fire.

The world is on fire,

having simmered too long,

unable to cut off the fuel that drives

the hate, that steers and directs

the dislike and blows it up, makes mole

hills burst like Vesuvius, Earth tired worms

claw at the air and interesting times

are back in vogue once more.


The world is on fire, screaming

out injustice whilst having no plan

to purge those that place a spark

of Lucifer against the black sparkling dust,

extreme dislike turns to detest

turns to repulsion, turns the hatred clock

The Musician’s Octopus.

The solid, spread out ink

of the wired octopus on the polished

wooden floor, scuffed in places

where four by four

tables, holding sauces

and drinks during the day,

allows the musician

to reach the audience and keep

them spellbound.


The octopus never loses shape nor sleep,

wide awake, alert and fussy over the music

it hears silently, the only clue to the beat

being played is the pulse and the energy

that courses through its thin frame

and two jacked hearts, hyperactive