Tag Archives: poetry from Bootle.

Not Quite Midnight.

Not quite Midnight,

it never seems to come

as the days merge, fuse together

and seamlessly reside

in the thunderstorm that overpowers

the field in which I am the

Lightning Rod, scorched,

burned and aflame,

on fire.

The shadows caused by rippling

lightning and the sparks of energy

draining in the seconds and minutes

before midnight, never get eaten away,

they are drowned instead like the myriad

of small organisms clinging

to the only tree in the field,

wind tossed, asleep, dead…

Trust Me.

Trust me,

it was just so much easier

to push you away

than letting you live

with a time bomb,

one that ticks in the soul

wrapped in pot marked skin,

the melancholy held at bay

only by the desperate knowledge

tucked away

that at some point

I will fathom out

how to smash the reset button;

I pushed you all away

because Time is cruel,

it deceives

as you once did

when you pretended

to be my comrade.


Emily Should Play.

Emily should play,

hanging around not caring

about the damage she has done

or the boys on Cowley Road

who care

not about the mask

she uses to appear hard, to seem

aloof to the propositions of undying

love, her reality warped, treated

to a future not intended for her

when we used to cuddle her as she fell

asleep on the lap and her glasses

slowly sliding down her button created nose;

Emily should play,

the Cowley Road calls

and a hundred miles away

Midnight Over Mellieha Bay.

Midnight over Mellieha Bay,

new holiday apartments

dotting the once barren sands,

crumbling castles formed

from plastic dream

and two weeks of summer break.

I once caught a glimpse

of the fragmenting Sun

from under the ramparts

of the green umbrella and the screams

of afternoon drunk disciples

lounging erect in the burning shadow;

I blinked and looked out

across the flat sea,

ripples of ebbing life

exhausted by decaying time

and I fear the long trek

up the hill to Mellieha.



The sweat pours wistfully from your brow

and like many before you,

Thompson backflip, Coe eminence,

Ovett working class maverick, Wells

my hero at the age of nine, dipping head

on the line, Lyndon Davies grace in the air,

sand undisturbed, Sean Kerly, an honour

to have met before he won Gold,

David Wilkie years after he became an icon,

Steve Redgrave, Linford Christie, Matthew Pinsett,

ninety six disappointment, crushed memories,

weightless and unimpressed, my own failure

at the heart of it…

Kelly Holmes resurgent, beautiful, bold and a queen


I can’t seem to function these days

without the hot rush

of tea, without

the taste of inspiration

that fills the gut and sends

ideas spinning out of control

into a void in which

I pluck, grab and scramble

for a single notion.

Long dead

are the days when a beer,

a glassful of whisky

sipped at dawn, revolver shot

to the brain and imagination


would be the order of the day;

I miss that, I miss the insanity,

the belief that I could conquer all…

Wedding Invite.

Your wedding invitation came today,

virginal white paper, stencilled

black type and a date

to put in the grey diary

that seemed oddly familiar, a date

which we would forever share,

a date which I guess you might never find

in a society that not so long ago

was so stupid that it could not

celebrate love between two people,

for fear of what love might mean.


I knew of your love at University

and overjoyed I am as I read

your invitation, to share

Despicable Moon.

The moon, crater

crammed, swims into view

through the gap

in my beige curtains

and looks down upon me

with once innocent surprise,

yet I know that the man

in the moon is judging me,

that silently throughout

my forty five years

he has done nothing but give me

silent treatment, never encourage

or console when I am afraid;

it is cold and aloof

and creates shadows of

that are unfulfilled and hollow.


Ian D. Hall 2016

There Is No Make-Up.

There is no make-up that hides

the face beneath the skin,

my smiling expression,

sincere at least,

hides the sadness that I cannot

otherwise contain.

You can hide yours with all the eye

shadow you want, all the powder

and ruby red

lipstick coating the snarl, but

it will only ever be varnish

on the surface; underneath

you will always be vain and obnoxious.


Ian D. Hall 2016

Drawing A Blank.

I cannot remember your name,

I am sorry.

I remember your face

every time I close my eyes, I

have never forgotten you

but I cannot remember your name.

I know the first time I met you,

I can recall with ease the first song

I heard in your company,

and if you were a woman

I can remember the first kiss we may

have shared, that we felt possessed in its safety;

I strain though to summon up the memory

of your name and for that,