Tag Archives: poetry from Bootle.

It Felt…Nice.

It felt…


to hear that I didn’t do

something wrong, that my words

committed to the screen

and bound by feverous desire

to get the story out of my head,

were good, better than good,

they were enjoyable;

it felt nice to not be

looked upon with despair.


Ian D. Hall 2017

The Urge To Say Thank You.


It was with the once gleaming look,

a smile with a glint attached

and a face that radiated honesty,

that I thanked anyone

who had liked,



drooled over to the point where

spittle ran out of the corner of their mouths

and they had the look of basting

a turkey for Christmas etched

across their sly grin chops,

kissed, French kissed,

snogged like there was tomorrow

and in some cases like there was no

day after that,

whispered down the ear such words

Tuesday Morning (Visit To The Doctors).


Again, I enter your domain

and feel the queasiness

of my symptoms take a tumble,

for your eye is uninterested

and your stethoscope brutal,

a cold metal harbour

for your five minute lesson

in your ignorance

and impatience, watching

the clock tick over, counting down

the sick, marking them off,

crossing them off;

the sigh of the same story once told

now the conjured message of disguised help

me please, modern

life the incorrigible scourge

of modern living.

I look into your eyes,

Poured Over Timetable (On The Way To Plymouth).


Learning to read

the British Rail National Timetable

was a rite of passage

I enjoyed early

as my mum

would invariably

restrict me to one comic

only, purchased at the station,

as we made our way from Birmingham

to Plymouth

when I was a small boy;

exotic names, unheard of treasures

would find their way

worm like and lay eggs forever

into my subconscious.

I lament the passing

of such information,

lost to print it seems,

found only as an A to Cornwall,

The Wrong Winning Ticket.


I bought the wrong winning ticket,

easy mistake to make,

and yet the council

won’t take the wrong money

to pay off my bills,

the slave owners of credit cards

insist I still owe them

despite mistakenly wanting to settle

my debt and the milkman

is adamant that he still feels

obligated to inform me

that I should hand over

the spondoolicks for my

regular full cream top.

I wanted to shell out shrapnel

to the people that own my house

Antique Silver Knife.


I have a silver knife,

an antique picked up

from a market stall

in South London, a depiction

of a car, old as the time that

the Hallmark suggests,

I wrote a snappy poem

and put the picture up

on social media,

it wouldn’t load,

I only asked

if friends knew where they

would plunge it in me.


Ian D. Hall 2017

Not One Decent Single Man (For You).


I don’t know how to respond,

perhaps you are having

one of those bad days

in which the world can go to Hell,

or is it just a portion, a half,

fifty percent

that you would see burn, break it down

to the man

you despise

and the assertion

that no man is capable of true emotion;

I don’t know how to respond,

not because I am devoid of feeling

or lack empathy, I just don’t

want the argument to escalate

further as you march

Every Night I Say Sweet Dreams.

Every night

I say sweet dreams, I check

the room for spiders

and walking beasts that might scare

you, I wipe gently

the crusts from your eye

and tickle your nose

and it is that holds me

together, for a while

but then I see the papers,

and I know I fight my own

losing battle each night,

a small war, a territory

lost in the middle of screams,

silent and rubble

built back over night

to show a smile to the world;

Paying Dues.


Of course I am always broke,

try being a poet

and paying off your dues

the old fashioned way,

try being a writer


finding that the dues

always have interest

from their end attached

and then see how

that work out;

cards stacked against

lower class

as you get told

just think of the exposure.


Ian D. Hall 2017

Fat Thumbs (Texts).

Hillp, Jelli,


Hello nate, mate,

Blinet, blimey, that’s geeat mews,

Nole, nipe, nope not seem your sitter around

recently, fidnt, didn’t knoe sheep was

going back to yni, I hope sheep

gets the reslut sheep deserbed, sheep

wad always a geeat, ham worlet, waker,

warker, worker.

Whem do yiu get jome from prosin,

P]risim, prisoin, (damn) when are yiu released?

Anyway, fat thumbs at the reast, teadt, ready, herr,

Don’t crew up your remaning dates, days,

wouldn’t  want you blowing

your feesdom, freedsam, freedon, freedom,