Tag Archives: poetry from Bootle.

Sh*t Ho*e


Your mouth is on the button, ready

to take a shot at anything

you see, that flags up

in the tiny mind held up

by small hands, business like attire,

small orange sun

glowing hot and stare mad cold with bluster

and rhetoric, good for nothing

but column inches and inches and inches,

diminutive boy, slow to realise

that the shit is not in some far off country,

not in a hole created by mortar

or bomb, or bullet, or lie,

but in your own back yard, Commander

Spiders Use Your Toothbrush.

Don’t let your toothbrush

lay on its side,

head down

in despair

as it thinks lonely thoughts till

you dare tackle the plaque once again;

at night,

when you are sleeping,

thinking happy thoughts.


big and hairy generals

of the eight legged kind,

 are happy to

use the bristles

in an effort

to ease the pain

and discomfort

from the spider like piles.


Ian D. Hall 2018

If It’s Good Enough For Radiohead (And Lana Del Ray).


There She was walking

down the street, she got done

for DUI now she’s out on her feet,

serves her right, serves her well,

now her feet are going to swell,

she drove whilst pissed,

she deserves to go to Hell.


She used to look good, she used to look fine

but she caught the judge on a good day

and copped a lengthy fine.


Before He knew it, the police were on to him,

smoking pot at the wheel and polishing off a gin,

It Is Never Just About The Album.


It is never about just the album,

the vinyl, the picture on the front

that greeted you, the small

detail of mass produced typed information

on the back that caught the serious addict

in mid stumble with their fingers…

…it is the wealth of memory

that each album represents,

you might instantly remember

or pause to reflect

who you were with that fateful day

when you spied something that caught your heart,

that made it pound faster, groan under the weight

of another lost love,

Hush…Hush, Vile Esther.


I always expected you back, Esther,

Evil somehow finds a way

to slither into view,

the smell of riches brings out the dead

and once buried, Dracula like, the vengeance

you feel at the sleight you perceive

drips from your fingers

as you contemplate the kill,

Hush, Hush, saccharine false sweet Esther,

your painted smile betrays your malevolence,

wicked, splintered heart, beating out of time,

beating to the sound of misery;

you are happy now,

imagine how you will be

when your immorality gains a foothold,

A Machine Attempts To Woo A Woman’s Heart.


The day a machine

writes a sonnet

to woo a woman’s heart,

 sees the spark

of a single line blossom

like the early stages of an apple,

not ripe for picking, still flowering,

the early bud of inspiration lose

and gain, a single moment when dew rises

and is perched sweetly, temptingly

on top and in sight, when a machine sees that

and looks upon it with cold dead eyes

in appreciation

then I shall know I have been beaten;



Respectful, not boastful,

to my own endeavour,

I worked hard to put letters

after my name, long hours

of sweat, beads turning to oceans,

streams to churning whirlpools

and underwater I sank, more often than not

but I swam against the tide

to have the honour of two letters

after my name,

am I proud, no,

fulfilled, almost

but I will take a letter added to my name

any day

than have numbers

tattooed upon my arm

and reduced to denying my name.

A Celluloid Cabaret.


There I was,

a celluloid cabaret, looking

as rough as following a night

celebrating an election win for Bill

in a bar full of dead winded strangers,

and not a dime passing my way

throughout, all toasting

this guest of wit and sarcasm,

piss drunk and fancy free,

my observations on Bush V Clinton

skewed by admiring Bill

and thinking he represented real change

here in this bar, tapped out, exhausted

by an early morning Greyhound race

from New York to Niagara Falls,

As I Fall Out Of A Tree (In Florida).


They fall from the trees in Florida

as the warmth leaves

their bodies, as temperatures head

towards freezing point, not dead

but inactive, I feel the same,

fingers numb, comfortably so

as my own head

once full of brightly coloured things

withstands the thaw of a frosted tongue,

and the chill of stimulation

is under ice, kept cold,

frigid and out of touch,

my blood is of iguana

my thoughts damaged

as I fall from the tree in Florida.


Ian D. Hall 2017

Hot Water Suds.


I love the way the running water

and soap suds get caught

between your back

and the started out clear glass,



clear pop of lather

as bubbles and fizz make shapes

as they cuddle the steam

first thing in the morning

as you scream inwardly,

at the early morning cold

the season provides.


Ian D. Hall 2017