Tag Archives: poetry from Bootle.

Dialling For Radio Luxemburg.


It was like scanning a dial,

an old fashioned radio receiver

searching in the darkness

for Radio Luxemburg, static,

partial signal, lost, found, ear

splitting, brain numbing sound

as you close one eye in response

and try to shrug away as the dentist,

fiendishly and with enamel desire

starts removing the loose and the cracked,

the split and gleefully

finds the station’s pulse mark

and enjoys the hits coming forth,

in at this week’s number ten, a new sensation

drill baby drill.

On The News Of An Engagement.


There will always be happiness

to be found in the announcement

of love, it is the way of things,

we fulfil a need to see life

continue, to see it flourish

and avoid the rain

that some would bring just

by their presence; you cannot beat

the feeling of love and it is to be happy,

to be thrilled, when it happens to you.

Love, you are lucky my son,

you have found the one to hold

and admire, to care for

They Tell Me That Elvis Is Dead.

They tell me that Elvis is dead,

they showed me the carefully

snipped out press cuttings

they had saved since

the dreadful news broke,

back in ’77, every line

preserved, poured over,

taken out every now and then

and the days of tears that follow,

a single one

slowly drifting down the face

when it hurt too much

as I see them close the thumbed

to death, barely hanging on scrapbooks

and draws and bloated cupboards of memorabilia;

floods when the grief of Elvis

You Will Not Converse With The Silence.

I don’t know why

but it got to me

that you didn’t see Terry

before he died.

I knew that you had an issue

with death, you had lived with it,

a day to day companion, an image

in the corner of the room

whenever you thought of a brother,

one not destined to be like you,

vibrant, easy going charm,

a devilish smile, rakish

but with sound heart beating,

but not for the dead,

it got to me because I realised

no matter how close we were

I Play Sax For Them As They Jive.


I nod my head to the leader

of the band playing my tune,

the signal that silently suggests,

if he would be so kind,

to go up the range,

make it beat faster, till I lose my breath

in the smoky atmosphere and sit

wide eyed at the dance, this mix of tango

and waltz, gentle and frantic

all in the space of a single ball room

to which I play the saxophone, sweat

drives with the speed

of an out of control Plymouth,

The Noise At James Herbert’s Wake.


Inside those tunnels,

I imagined rats, gnawing, chewing, ready to bite

down and feast on my flesh, the gatherers

at James Herbert’s wake in Liverpool

that night, as we toasted the horror of man

and the brain that seized them all,

made the connection between sex and the

ability to frighten, the strange allure

of the thrill in every page,

was down in those tunnels even now,

sharpening his pencil, readying his wit

to kill us, one by one, by one

who knew how to extend the torture

Seven Emotions: Smiling.


Have you ever seen me

smile? Laugh even;

snort like a free-wheeling pig

as it bathes in the mud,

almost lose the ability to breathe

as the joke hits home.


Have you ever seen me smile

properly I wonder, I rarely

show my teeth when I do,

the ones where I am ready to bite

down with anger, the smile of revenge.


Did you ever catch me, earphones in

and my mind spaced out, high

on a Galton and Simpson trip,

Seven Emotions: Tears.


Have you ever seen me

cry? Not just a tear, a stab of relief

of physical pain mind you,

but a river, a rolling spiky ocean,

a steady flow of information

making its way down my face.


Have you seen me cry in frustration,

over a film, a whole class once did

in senior school as Boxer

the Horse was sent down

in place of the people; I wailed then.


Did you see me shed a silent,

inexplicable tear over the death

The Extreme Puritan.


Soon, the extreme Puritan

will rub their hands in private glee,

it doesn’t end with a Victorian

painting being removed,

nor does it end well,

we are being judged for a laugh

we had that has now been forgotten,

except by those keeping score

and aren’t they just

doing the black and white dressed

authority figures of the past

justice, everything a crime, erased

and expunged, obliterated and left

in a bunker underground, growing feral,

becoming bitter,

till one day fashion dictates an innuendo,

The Space Between Us Both.

Six rows in front of me,

as I was facing backwards, both

slumped back looking down

we never made eye contact, never saw

face to face, though cheek by jowl,

our eyeballs never saw each other

at the same time,

my friend, what held your attention

instead of me giving you mine,

new headphones I noticed,

drowning out the noise

and the half mouthed, silent hello

as we sat there on the 53 in to town,

each in our own worlds of wonder,

not seeing the meteor racing past