Tag Archives: poetry


The tubes feed me familiar words as they feed you life.

I have never met you, I had no awareness of your existence

Until recently and I have seen little of your suffering and strife.

I don’t possess the wit or the talent to write what your life meant in one sentence.

I can measure only in minute amounts your memories by fleeting photograph

On a delicate digital screen, that cumbersome and dishonest

Perverted distorter of your life, which doesn’t show all you have loved and how you laugh,

A Greyhound Tale.

The greyhound bought me mile and mile ever closer

Home to you. I pictured you waiting by the cinema,

Just below the broken orange light that swings


In even the most gentle of breezes.

I picture you there and hope you have forgiven me.

Nobody pays much attention to me, thank god.

If they did, they would see a regretful tear

Drifting slowly down my scared, haggard face.

I take my handkerchief out of my pocket.

My nose catches your scent and I cry some more.

True Romance.

Her wardrobes were full of designer clothes

That she knew she could not afford

Without the help of her credit cards.

Each Friday night a new skirt or dress

To make her latest lover impressed.

Every Sunday she would start afresh

As she realised that the latest one

Was nothing but a bore, not interested

In the long term, just the now and here.

On the shelf at eighteen is a terrible fear.

Her advice came thick and fast

From sex columnists in thousands of mag’s

That littered the floor, discarded

Facial Expressions.

 In a tear, a lifetime’s sadness is shown.

In a tear, all manners of images are exposed.

In a tear, life can end.

In a tear, broken hearts mend.

In a smile, friends become lovers.

In a smile, true feelings uncover.

In a smile, people fall for strangers.

In a smile, we face the greatest dangers.

In a laugh, heroes stand tall.

In a laugh, comedians hear the audience call.

In a laugh, there is unity in a nation.

In a laugh, lies love’s greatest potion.

So Lonely You.

The lonely voice echoes down the multiplex of wires.

Each wire holds her cries for a second before

Passing them on to its neighbour without care.

For what do wires care about the fate of a single tear?

Without effort, I listen as the story falters from one

To the next, I know you need me there to chase away the liars.

“Please insert fifty cents to hear real desperation users.”

Comes a metallic voice full of the joys of spring.

I dare it to bid us, “Have a nice day!”

For The Love Of An Older Woman.

I saw a photograph of her years ago, stately, beckoning.

I knew she was so much older than me

And that many people, men as well as women had loved

Her beauty as much as I did now. She seemed to symbolise

Everything I ever wanted. I was in love, I was mesmerised.


She was so far away. So for many years I could by dream

Of being with her, my heart ached and my thoughts ranged

To the day when I would say, “It’s me my lady, I made it!