Tag Archives: poerty by Ian D. Hall

Thanksgiving Black Friday (Sympathy For The Drivel).

I gave thanks only the once,

over a meal hosted by my grandmother’s

cousin in a small town near Philadelphia

and the small party of four, a second cousin

twice removed

and his wife both took a hand of mine

and prayed.


I was silent, but acknowledged their words

and I thought of home

as we sat in the heat

of a crowded restaurant,

the steam of the passable gravy

warming the inside of my nose

as I prepared to smother the turkey.


The Inappropriate Husband.

I may not have been the most ideal husband

that you could have had, baggage

galore and the wandering lust of the insecure,

not content in boredom and one who finds

it near impossible to dance. Married once before,

turned down twice more and the ignominy

of walking away from an Hispanic woman

who offered me the world, pompous at times

and stubborn as Hell when it comes to backing down

and the worry I have caused as I continue

to break down piece by piece by infuriating

The Healer.

What do you do when Time has neglected to inform

that there has been an ache in your heart

which you never realised existed till the pain

hits you square in the jaw and rips your guts apart?

You can but smile and flash a grin, because you mean that emotion,

you revel in the mysterious and the unanswered question

for a short while until

Time has a habit of making you nod and securing a truthful exit

as you realise that deep down gnawing at your soul,