Tag Archives: Patrick Troughton

Doctor Who: The War Games. (2024). Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Patrick Troughton, Fraser Hines, Wendy Padbury, David Saville, Jane Sherwin, Noel Coleman, Richard Steele, Terence Bayler, Hubert Rees, David Valla, Esmond Webb, Brian Forster, Pat Gorman, Peter Stanton, David Garfield, Gregg Palmer, Philip Madoc, Edward Brayshaw, Bill Hutchinson, Bernard Horsfall, James Vree, Vernon Dobtcheff.

With a huge pool of stories in which to choose from, it is perhaps fitting that the second serial to find itself being scrutinised and digitally coloured after the offering for Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary of The Daleks, should be the lengthy ten-part story of The War Games.

The Top Five Moments Of Amy Pond. The Best Ever Companion?

Amy Pond. Picture from the B.B.C.

Originally published by L.S. Media. September 29th 2012.

The departure of Amy (Amelia) Pond from the B.B.C. television series Doctor Who this Saturday will no doubt have the legion of fans of both the programme and the red-haired assistant looking forlornly at their collections of DVD’s in the next few months and wondering exactly where Amy Pond sits in the list of all time companions.