Tag Archives: Parker Ferrell: Love Runs Through. Album Review

Parker Ferrell: Love Runs Through. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

A universal truth must come when we learn to observe more than just our own footsteps, more than just our lives in the moment if we are to grow and progress as a species.

That truth, one of many and never singular is alive to the certainty that we are connected, that we must observe others on the same road, those that travel with us in our time, those that go against the flow, those that stand still or those that trudge or stride with purpose in ways that we thought was unobtainable and unimaginable…for whichever way the road points we can but hope that Love Runs Through the course of the observer’s mind, that it connects with all around it; and by doing so creates energy and art as a symbol of what has been witnessed.