Tag Archives: Ordinary Madness. Album Review

Walter Trout, Ordinary Madness. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it…” effortless words of wisdom framed by the writer Charles Bukowski, and given even greater illumination and ferocity by the blues man Walter Trout in his latest album, Ordinary Madness.

The world is not just a foolish place, but it stands aloof from the rest of the universe, revelling in its own lunacy, driven by jesters and clowns, misleading and double-talking buffoons, it is no wonder that we perhaps feel crowded in our thoughts, almost helpless in our actions, and yet there is always help, the figure offering ordinary madness, the proposal that refuses to acknowledge anything other than the fact that we are extraordinary; that madness is just a by-product of the beauty we can appreciate in others.