Tag Archives: Nino Furuhata

McDonald & Dodds: A Billion Beats. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Jason Watkins, Tala Gouveia, Jack Riddiford, Claire Skinner, Lily Sacofsky, Danyal Ismail, Paul McGann, Ben Batt, Daisy Bevan, Kelvin Fletcher, Paul Forman, Naoki Mori, John Omole, Bluey Robinson, Bill Skinner, Bridgitta Roy, Nino Furuhata, Louise Jameson.

There are sports that seem universally embraced and then there are those that to a proportion of the population is not for them, that is not only fuelled by a passion that defies logic, but can seem reckless, spoiled by money, out of the realms to ordinary men and women, and in the case of motor racing, is all about the one second glimpse of the vehicle, a second in which A Billion Beats of the heart can seem to be over in a flash.