Tag Archives: Nancy Carroll

Dalgliesh: Devices And Desires. Television Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Bertie Carvel, Carlyss Peer, Liz White, Adam James, Nancy Carroll, Lloyd Hutchinson, Catriona McFeely, Claire Goose, Kealan McCallister, Georgina Beedle, Chris Patrick-Simpson, David Pearse, Robert Lonsdale, Elizabeth Connick, Bradley Hall, Richard McFerran, Patrick FitzSymons, Will Close, Robert Wilfort, Matty Loane.

Whilst there are more novels from the illustrious P.D. James to uncover and place before the armchair detective in television form, it is perhaps fitting that the final story to be told across the three series of Dalgliesh is that of Devices and Desires.

Doctor Who, Eldrad Must Die! Audio Drama Review, Big Finish 172.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * *

Cast: Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Mark Strickson, Sarah Sutton, Stephen Thorne, Nancy Carroll, Pip Torrens, Jessica Claire, Brian Protheroe, Mark Field.

It is perhaps fitting that some of the older foes from the classic series of Doctor Who make their way into the Big Finish roster, especially as the parent television programmes gears up for what is fast becoming a very special 50th anniversary but some monsters and villains having been used once during the 70s and 80s should be left where the memory of their time on screen can be quietly and easily forgotten and the relation to the programme left to slivers of reminiscence when the mood descends. Such is the fate of the latest release Eldrad Must Die!