Tag Archives: Nadij Jeter

The Fifth Wave, Film Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * *

Cast: Chloë Grace Moretz, Liev Schreiber, Gabriela Lopez, Bailey Anne Borders, Nick Robinson, Ron Livingston, Maggie Siff, Zackery Arthur, Dave Maldonado, Paul Ryden, Charmin Lee, Parker Wierling, Tony Revolori, Terry Serpico, Derek Roberts, Maria Bello, Cade Cannon Ball, Alex MacNicoll, Nadij Jeter, Maika Monroe, Flynn McHugh, Alex Roe, Matthew Zuk.

There are some films that offer so much on paper that once seen you cannot understand how it was possible to be regarded as such a let-down as a cinematic experience. Such is the twisted fate of The Fifth Wave, such is the divine introspection available to all when viewing something that arguably would have worked better as a television special spread over three nights.