Tag Archives: Mojo Makers

Mojo Makers, Devils Hands. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The smell of the Deep South, the history, both devastating and brutal and at times glorious and electrifying; you could be there sitting on a wooden porch listening to sound of crickets as they mock the alligators that wait patiently ready to snap, feeling the noxious aroma of sweat running down the back of a horse’s fetlock that stands idly by flicking its tail back and forth and the thoughts of a night in local bar with a crowd of people enjoying a tasty night of Blues. The Deep South has that all to offer…even it seems when it comes in the form of Denmark’s The Mojo Makers and the tremendous follow up to Wait Till the Morning, the thumping Devils Hands. 

Mojo Makers, Wait Till The Morning. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The comparisons that will inevitably follow when Wait Till The Morning, the new album by the superb Mojo Makers, is released or even perhaps unleashed would be a better term with anything that the Midland’s own Led Zeppelin recorded should be disregarded  and put away as early as possible. Not for the reason that many might think, those that believe the genre stopped being of any significance when Led Zeppelin stopped making new music, but for the fact that in Wail Till The Morning is far and away more interesting a caged animal than almost anything the Midland band put together.