Tag Archives: Mike Batt

Mike Batt, The Penultimate Collection. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

The artist who can appeal to all ages and all tastes is quite rightfully to be lauded, revered for their generous influence, the mark of the person involved is not just one who sees their art progress but evolve, so that they capture the heart of the child, and then the imagination of the adult in later years; the spanning of time creating an oasis of beauty that never seems to fade, never runs out of charm and sheer depth of skill.

For those that weep in the silence of others, the invisible shall always remain individuals of only a few heard words…









Ian D. Hall 2014  (Inspired by Ezra Pound and Mike Batt.)

Katie Melua, Secret Symphony. Album Review.

Originally published by L.S. Media. March 7th 2012. (under the name of Laura Dentt-Steven)

L.S. Media Rating ****

There is no doubting the talent that lies at the heart of Katie Melua. A voice that makes champagne taste so much sweeter and puts to shame a lot of women that feel the need to just flaunt what little talent they have into taking part in the con of stardom that pervades yet another generation of women who think that the way to happiness is by taking part in reality programmes and snaring the latest celebrity footballer.