Tag Archives: Marcin Zarzeczny

The Agency. Television Drama Series Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Michael Fassbender, Jeffrey Wright, Katherine Waterston, Jodie Turner-Smith, Richard Gere, John Magaro, Harriet Sansom Harris, Saura Lightfoot Leon, India Fowler, Hugh Bonneville, David Harewood, Andrew Brooke, Reza Brojerdi, Alex Reznik, Bilal Hasna, Sabrina Wu, Kurt Egyiawan, Ambreen Razia, Adam Nagaitis, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor, Julia Westcott-Hutton, Dominic West, Edward Holcroft, Abdullahi Islaw, Elana Saurel, Juris Zagars, Olekandr Rudynskyy, Emma Lau, Curtis Lum, Sergej Onopko, Marcin Zarzeczny, Ben Lloyd-Hughes, Akpore Uzoh, Violet Verigo, Alex Jennings.

The world of espionage has become so engrained into our collective psyche that for the most part it has become background noise to the genuine concerns of real life that inspires it.