Tag Archives: Liverpool. Shout About It Live.

Brothers Of Mine, Gig Review. Constellations, Liverpool. Shout About It Live.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

You cannot choose family, it is a readymade solution to helping you in sour times, it is the possible agony to be expected when life takes the sad or unexpected turn; family is shrouded in the playful and sometimes the jealous, without it though nature and society become off-balance, you can fall and your sister will pick you up, but quite often there is nothing more helpful at your back than knowing and saying to yourself that the Brothers Of Mine will be watching, ready and waiting for action.

Satin Beige, Gig Review. Constellations, Liverpool. Shout About It Live.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

In the end it is how you approach life that makes you stand out, despite what the day may throw at you, no matter the events leading up to the moment you take the stage upon; you glare in to the lights, you see the audience’s own hopes and dreams reflected back at you, and you sing and perform as if the world and its consequences don’t matter. For the point is simple, you do everything in your power to sing as if you are bringing the night to an end at Madison Square Garden, that you are saying Goodnight Manhattan.