Tag Archives: Julia Hannan

Elizabeth Is Missing. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Cast: Glenda Jackson, Helen Behan, Sophie Rundle, Liv Hill, Nell Williams, Mark Stanley, Neil Pendleton, Maggie Steed, Sam Hazeldine, Michelle Duncan, John-Paul Hurley, Tom Urie, Julia Hannan, Linda Hargreaves, Neil Pendleton, Tony Atherton, Anne-Marie Nabirve, Begonia Villalba, Nabs Aziz.

To gradually forget what has happened in your life is one of the great sources of unhappiness that anyone could arguably go through. To leave behind moments of love and tenderness, to fail to recall an event, to not recognise your child, to be powerless to get through the day without being capable of remembering the basics to be able to function, that is the greatest act of cruelty that the mind can play on a human being.