Tag Archives: Jethro Tull: Bursting Out: The Inflated Edition. Deluxe Album Review

Jethro Tull: Bursting Out: The Inflated Edition. Deluxe Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

It feels strange to think that a band of such repute as Jethro Tull waited a decade before releasing a live album to the public, a sizeable and abundant crowd that had been clamouring to feel the enjoyment and sheer artistry of the live arena within their own four walls; after all other bands within the genres they straddled like kings on a noble steed had been putting out live albums as a way to garner more attention after just a couple of studio recordings, to push the agenda onwards. Not Jethro Tull though, and perhaps it could be argued that it was to their benefit that they waited until the time was right, till the fates decreed that the group were more than just any other group plying their trade, but were already the mega stars to whom could bestow the raw and the beautiful in one extraordinary home adventure.