Tag Archives: Jessica Ennis


The sweat pours wistfully from your brow

and like many before you,

Thompson backflip, Coe eminence,

Ovett working class maverick, Wells

my hero at the age of nine, dipping head

on the line, Lyndon Davies grace in the air,

sand undisturbed, Sean Kerly, an honour

to have met before he won Gold,

David Wilkie years after he became an icon,

Steve Redgrave, Linford Christie, Matthew Pinsett,

ninety six disappointment, crushed memories,

weightless and unimpressed, my own failure

at the heart of it…

Kelly Holmes resurgent, beautiful, bold and a queen

The Games. Theatre Review. Unity Theatre, Liverpool.

Picture by John Garfield-Roberts

Originally published by L.S. Media March 23rd 2012.

L.S. Media Rating ****

Cast: Liam Tobin, Keddy Sutton, Mark Keemar Smith.

There are so few theatre companies that get the chance to put on a recently found classic by Aristophanes, lovingly restored with some academic attachments and a room of serious people nodding their heads and then talking about why Greek theatre is better than anything that’s written today.