Tag Archives: James J Turner

James J. Turner, Hey Brother. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

The starkness of the black and white image is always more illuminating, arguably more interesting, than the full colour expose of life, a picture or a film will always be more intriguing than the added flavour of wild and vivid colours which cloud the issue and in many respects take away from the story at hand; a tale of a returning wanderer, so long unseen, his voice missed, is one that should be loved for all its glory in the scene of black and white contrast, a view in which we can smile and rejoice as we shout out, Hey Brother.

James J. Turner, Spirit, Soul & A Handful Of Mud. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

It might be hard to identify at first, the feeling of contentment that pours over you when you listen to James J. Turner, it is like being swept down- stream in raging thought and realising that you are not heading for the whirlpool, you are not going to be digested or abandoned like many others would leave you, exhausted, alone and wondering what the night will bring, instead he seduces, he offers a hand of friendship and hopes that for a while you will accompany him on the journey; for travel, as well as conversation, always broadens the mind.

James J Turner, James J Turner, Singer-Songwriter. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

It might be a vision of things to come, or at least it could just be a one off confined to one very special musician; either way, a release before the release is not to be sniffed at, especially if it means fans of James J. Turner get a set of four new songs to listen to and enjoy.