Tag Archives: Grace: Want You Dead. Television Drama Review

Grace: Want You Dead. Television Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: John Simm, Richie Campbell, Craig Parkinson, Laura Elphinstone, Brad Morrison, Zoë Tapper, Scott Handy, Brendan Patricks, Rebecca Scroggs, Clare Calbraith, Sam Hoare, Jake Needs, Renny Krupinski, Carolina Valdes, Ray Emmet Brown, Jessica Hayles, Wendy Albiston, Nicky Goldie, Alan Wilyman, Lydia Danistan, Niall Greig Fulton, Ben Crowe, Baker Mukasa, Oisin Stack, Jan Le.

Murder can be straightforward, its often black and white, occasionally grey lines will blur within, but it always frank, sincere, almost uncomplicated; it is the action of emotions, but always without the desire to hide the reason when the culprit is identified; and whilst the response, the detection and the puzzle solved is shrouded in misdirection and distraction, murder is relatively easy to commit.