Tag Archives: Gig Review. The Music Room

Findlay Napier, Gig Review. The Music Room, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The music Rooms of the Philharmonic Hall are exactly the type of venue that were made for the writings and compositions of an artist such as Findlay Napier, the sense of beauty that is carried within the lyrics, the harmony that exists between musician and their chosen weapon of virtue and the deeply held implication of the offering that can be felt without being blinded by lights and dazzled by distance; for Findlay Napier and his visit to Liverpool this was as close to heavenly, funny, anarchic but brilliant, as an audience could ask for.

Ian Prowse, Gig Review. The Music Room, Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Summer, in all its British damp and rain soaked glory, in all its burning one day haze, which with nostalgia over time becomes as sweat driven and lethargic as the one that hit the nation in ’76, long, luxurious and never ending, summer is only possible to dream about because festivals give the music lover hope and certain musicians always make sure they play in the same place each year, around the same time, to give thanks to their fans, the ritual is one of cool dynamic, of mutual thanks.

Bella Hardy, Gig Review. The Music Room, Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The laughter inside the Philharmonic Hall would have been bordering on the intense as Bill Bailey regaled his fans for the second night running, yet tucked away but as bold as anything inside the newly opened Music Room of the hallowed Philharmonic Hall, a different type of evening was taking place, one that flowed with a touch of the regal, the harmonious fusing of haunting vocals and instruments and all times the serenity of the Folk machine. With Bella Hardy in Liverpool for one night only there really was no comparison to be made; the sweet lingering voice of Ms. Hardy was always going to be the most captivating event to be fortunate to witness.