Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 7/10
Cast: Jake Schur, Ethan Hawke, Chris Pratt, Leila George, Dane DeHaan, Charlie Chappell, Clint Obenchain, Chris Bylsma, Chad Danshaw, Ben Dickey, Tait Fletcher, Hawk D’Onofrio, Diana Navarrete, Samantha Zajarias, Vincent D’Onofrio, David Devereaux, Rachel Singer, Jenny Gabrielle, Keith Jardine, Adam Baldwin.
To be witness to history as it unfolds is an honour we are unaware of at the time, one perhaps made easier in today’s modern world by the wall to wall coverage provided by the media and the advent of the ever prying eye of the internet but in the past it was one of the preserve of those who actually saw it with their own two eyes and who recorded it for all to learn from.