Tag Archives: Emma Keele

The Gathering. Television Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Warren Brown, Eva Morgan, Sonny Walker, Sadie Soverall, Vinette Robinson, Richard Coyle, Jodie McNee, Luca Kamleh-Chapman, Ryan Quarmby, Oliver Nelson, Mia Johnson, Rob Jarvis, Poppy Miller, Charlie Griffiths, Christine Tremarco, Deborah Bouchard, Emma Keele, Mia Carragher, Emma Bispham, Michael Ledwich.

The pressure we are placing on our children as we live vicariously through their actions is almost as dangerous as the situations and times that we find ourselves in as we stumble through the last few years with unresolved anger and resentment banging on our doors as negativity, as jealousy and creativity clash in a way that we perhaps arguably as a species have never faced before.