Tag Archives: Emilio Pinchi

Emilio Pinchi, Absentee E.P. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Once you are done with your holiday and you are not ready to return to the humdrum of the 9 to 5 and politics of life, the only logical course of action is to see the blank space on the register as the prime source of satisfaction, that of the Absentee, the one who sees past the indoctrination of the imagined lesson, and who seizes the opportunity to deliver their own judgment, their true thoughts on the art of being missed.

Emilio Pinchi, Holiday. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

The art of melancholy is sadly underrated, it finds itself being treated as a state of unhappiness, to the cynical it is a passion for the miserable, a self-indulgent exercise which the unfounded optimistic cannot fathom and finds suspicious; like those who strive for years to have the Holiday of their dreams, the jealous will always sneer and beat their heads with regarded sage thought.