Tag Archives: David Georgiou

The Sandpaper Eyebrows, Clockwork Utopia. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

David Georgiou, the man behind the keys of Kingbathmat takes a peek from behind the curtains and like any musical maestro likes what he sees but knows that he can take it on another stage further and his release under the guise of The Sandpaper Eyebrows, the album Clockwork Utopia, takes the 21st century neo Metal-Progressive Rock to the next level.

KingBathmat, Truth Button. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

The world of Progressive Rock has perhaps never been in a more healthy and thought-provoking state. The days of being labelled as dinosaurs and past it are long over, the new breed that fly the standard high, proud and youthful vigour such as Touchstone and The Reasoning sit alongside the giants of the genre and the old master who still show any aspiring musician just what is so cool about being able to thread together lengthy and intricate musical movements with a good lyric.