Arthur Miller’s devastating portrait of an ordinary man in a clash of cultures, generations and moral duty, A View From The Bridge opens the new season at Liverpool Playhouse from Thursday 27th March to Saturday 19th April. The production is directed by Quercus Award-winning Everyman and Playhouse Associate Director Charlotte Gwinner and features Lloyd Hutchinson as Eddie Carbone and Julia Ford as his wife Beatrice.
Tag Archives: Charlotte Gwinner
Gemma Bodinetz And Deborah Aydon Reveal New Season Of Shows And The Opening Dates Of The New Everyman Theatre.
It seems that time in some respects has gone by so slowly. The age between the final performance of Macbeth and the heralding of a new era of the Everyman Theatre has been two long years. However, as the highly respected theatre duo of Gemma Bodinetz and Deborah Aydon beamed around the room, the light, metaphorically and in reality is almost ready to be switched on and the welcome back to The Everyman Theatre will be long and cheerful.