Tag Archives: Charlie Norfolk

Doctor Who: Dark Eyes 4. Audio Drama Review, Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Paul McGann, Nicola Walker, Barnaby Kay, Beth Chalmers, Charlie Norfolk, Derek Hutchinson, Dan Starkey, Camilla Power, John Dorney, Rachael Stirling, Alex Wyndham, Blake Ritson, Nicholas Briggs, Alex MacQueen, Sorcha Cusack, Susannah Harker, David Sibley.

Arguably one of the most involved, most deliberately, and it has to be said wonderfully elaborately written endeavours undertaken by Big Finish finally comes to an end as the saga of Dark Eyes sees the Eighth incarnation battle not only the Eminence, The Master and the Daleks but also Time itself. It is a battle that sees the foreshadowing of what is to come, of the ache that will grip the Doctor as the Time War sets out to destroy all and in which the very soul of the Time Lord is challenged.

Charlotte Pollard, The Fall of the House of Pollard. Audio Drama Review, Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: India Fisher, Anneka Wills, Terence Hardiman, Charlie Norfolk, David Dobson, Michael Maloney.


The intrepid travellers in the life of Charley Pollard have long been teased over the family history of the Edwardian Adventuress. There have been smatterings, the odd peek and the rare smidgen of information of how the young Charlotte Pollard grew to be the woman she has most definitely become and how it could bring about The Fall of the House of Pollard.

Doctor Who: Phantoms Of The Deep. Big Finish Audio Play 2.05.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * *

Cast: Tom Baker, Mary Tamm, John Leeson, Alice Krige, John Albasiny, Charlie Norfolk, Gwilym Lee.

There are stranger things at work in the universe than humanity could probably ever cope with, especially when the human race doesn’t know what type of creatures can live at the very bottom of the deepest, darkest trenches of the oceans and the secrets they hold.