Tag Archives: Brazil

Landfall: Wide Open Sky. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

We don’t have to confine ourselves to the narrow viewpoint, we do so out of comfort, out of dedication and love to what we already understand, we look forward to tramping the same old streets in shoes well worn just because to imagine another world out there that we can reflect in the Wide Open Sky would mean alternating our mindset, embracing the new, and seeing all along that the benefit we believed in sticking to our in built course was actually closing in on us and becoming a jail cell of time.

Brazil, Theatre Review. New Town Theatre. Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Angus Chisholm.

The world is always on the edge of some war, some take over and the only constant in all of these merciless moments is the effect it has on the populace being bombarded and brutalised. The Olympics may dominate the news during this year’s Edinburgh Festival but for one artist, one play, the thought is very much on the use of language, the insanity of war and the apparent safety that might lay in Brazil.